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 The Doona Stroller is a type of stroller that can be transformed into a car seat, combining both a stroller and a car seat in one product....

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What is SLCP


SLCP is an industry-wide tool and verification framework meant to reduce audit fatigue by replacing brand proprietary audit tools. CUSTOMER has been involved in SLCP for much of its development, and with SLCP’s recent launch, the apparel and footwear industry has started to converge toward a single audit tool where suppliers can share social and labor assessment data with multiple brands and stakeholders saving audit- related time and cost for suppliers.


SLCP v1.4 Assessment Tool – Step 1, 2, and 3

The assessment itself is split into three modular sections of questions, known as “Steps”:

  • Step 1: Essential
  • Step 2: Progressive
  • Step 3: Advanced


Completion and verification of Step 1 is mandatory to comply with customer’s Code of Conduct, as it covers key social and labor compliance questions, mostly connected with International Labor Standards (ILS) and National Labor Law (NLL). Step 2 and Step 3 are optional and provide an opportunity to reflect and gain new insights into your facility’s management systems and other “beyond compliance” efforts.


SLCP Process – What to Expect



Register on the e-learning platform as a Facility and take the Course to learn about the SLCP Tool, the Gateway, and Accredited Hosts. Once you complete the Course, you will receive a code that you will need in order to create an account on the Gateway.


Next, create an account on the SLCP Gateway, using the code received at the conclusion of the e-learning course in order to complete registration. In this step, please ensure that you are checking the box in your Profile section to agree to list your basic SLCP facility profile information on a public page on the Gateway this information will best equip us to support your adoption throughout the SLCP Process. Then, using your Facility ID number from the Gateway, create an account on an Accredited Host platform, which hosts the assessment data and allows you to share verified data with brands.


While you are able to select from a variety of Accredited Host platforms to host and share your SLCP data, please note that CUSTOMER will only be accepting verified SLCP assessment data to be shared with us via Higg Co.



Download and complete the SLCP self-assessment either online via the Accredited Host platform or offline via the Excel file.



Select a Verifying Body on the Accredited Host Platform to schedule and conduct verification. Following this, a Verifier will be assigned to you. Customer strongly encourages you to use the Verifying Body. However, facilities are free to choose a preferred Verifying Body, if they are accredited by SLCP, which you can find listed here:


·         SLCP Verifier Body (VB) List



After the verification has been complete, please share your verified assessment with Customer via Higg Co. This is a critical step to ensure a timely issuance of your production authorization.

 CUSTOMER will only be accepting verified SLCP assessment data shared with us via Higg Co, and we strongly recommend that you use Higg Co as your Accredited Host for the entire SLCP process for a more streamlined end-to-end process. If you complete your verified assessment on another Accredited Host, you will need to purchase a vFSLM module to share your verified SLCP data with Customer.

CUSTOMER’s account name and ID on Higg Co are as follows: Customer Corporate ”. Cost

While there are no additional fees associated with the SLCP Gateway, there are costs associated with

hosting and sharing data on the Higg Co platform.

  • The “Facility Plus subscription” (one of Higg Facility Subscription Model) is ideal for facilities seeking comprehensive assessment of labor and environmental impact. [FEM + FSLM(SLCP)]
  • Individual FSLM (SLCP) - Social & Labor Assessment is still available for purchase in Higg Please visit Higg.com and log in to Higg to learn more about the subscriptions model and the price.  In 2022, CUSTOMER will expect facilities to select their own Verification Body and negotiate pricing directly.

Equivalencies and Color Rating

CUSTOMER will be scoring facilities based on the results of the SLCP assessment. Customer will continue to assign color ratings and authorization status to facilities post-assessment based on existing social and labor standards, as specified in our Code of Conduct, supported by remediation and capability building services.


To uphold authorization for production as a Customer Business Partner, you must ensure that you complete the SLCP verification and receive a CUSTOMER CR color rating ahead of your assessment expiration date. With this timeline, our recommendation is that you start the steps in the “SLCP Process” listed above three months prior to your assessment expiration date. Please reach out to Customer CR contact to align on timing.


Additional Resources

Please refer to the following link for more information:

 Higg Co

SLCP Gateway

Step-by-Step Guidance for Facilities


Submit a Request

Tools & Resources

E-Learning Trainings

Difference between SLCP and FSLM

Contact info: https://support.higg.org/

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