Policy is the main keyword of a goal. It bears simple and short message. To implement the policy, we set the procedure and periodically evaluation to show the improvement of main goal. Bangla Policy shows different policy, procedure, HR format, HR policy, Garments policy of Bangladesh, Compliance book, Compliance Policy, EMS policy, Chemical Policy, Health and Safety Policy, Grievance policy and child labor policy. It has all documents of HR and Compliance Department.


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 The Doona Stroller is a type of stroller that can be transformed into a car seat, combining both a stroller and a car seat in one product....

বুধবার, ২ মার্চ, ২০২২

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy

Occupational Health and Safety

Objective of Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The objective of OHS policy to ensure a safe and healthy workplace

The OHS policy statement should provide a clear indication of the company’s OHS goal, objectives and plans. Example:

Policy statement

ABC Apparels is committed to prevent occupational illness and injury and ensure a healthy and safe work environment for its employees.

To prompt this commitment, company discloses the following policy on occupational health and safety.

ABC management is committed to comply with all relevant OSH national laws and regulations, and other requirements to which the organization promises;

We are committed to take every responsible effort to eliminates the hazards that create accidents and injuries.

We are committed to ensuring that employees and their representatives are consulted and encouraged to participate actively in the OHS activities.

We are also committed to

  1. Establish an effective Safety Committee
  2. Establish and maintain a safety management system.
  3. Provide resources and financial support.
  4. Provide enough qualified personnel, define responsibility and delegate the authority.
  5. Ensure the provision of OHS induction and training.
  6. Check the Policy and OHS performance
  7. Ensure continual improvement of safety by conducting regular reviews of the OHS policy (once in a year) to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to the organization.
  8. Ensure proper communication or dissemination of OHS Policy and necessary information and instruction to all employees.
  9. This policy will be available for all interested party including employs, and other stakeholders.
  10. The policy statement may include:

a.      Who is responsible for occupational safety and health policy?

b.      The general responsibilities of all employees.

Responsible person and responsibility:

The employer of ABC Apparels Limited is responsible for the health and safety of its workers.

Management responsibility is to develop, implement and review, in participation with its employees, the organization’s occupational safety and health policy OSH Policy.

All employees are essential to understand the policy and the benefit of the policy. They should know their responsibilities to support the organization in achieving the OSH policy that has been set.

The workers of ABC Apparels Limited will be required to support this organization’s health and safety initiative and to cooperate with the Safety Committee.

Supervisors, managers, contractor and visitors with all stakeholders, they are expected to perform their duties and responsibilities in a safe and healthful manner. They are accountable for the Health and Safety of themselves and others.

Supervisors must be trained on OHS policy and procedure and held responsible to ensure that the workers, under their supervision, follow this policy.

Worker should report to the supervisor or manager, as soon as possible, any hazardous conditions, injury, accident, or illness related to the workplace. Also, workers must safeguard their health and safety by complying with applicable laws and regulation by following policies, procedures, rules and, instructions as prescribed by the management.

  • Improper performance of safety and health duties will not be abided.

ABC Apparels Limited will take disciplinary action where individuals fail to work in a healthy and safe manner, or do not comply with applicable legislation or corporate policies and procedures.

  • The organization's basic safety and health philosophy (best practice).

ABC Apparels Limited expects that everyone will join in our efforts to provide a healthy and safe working environment on a continuous day to day basis. Only through the dedication and efforts of all individuals can ABC Apparels Limited succeed in providing a healthy safe working environment.

The policy should be covered/protected:

Occupational Health and Safety

The employer, in consulting with employees and their representatives, shall set out in writing an OHS policy, which shall be:

a) Explicit to the organization and appropriate to its size and the nature of its activities;

b) Concise, visibly written, dated and made effective by the signature of the employer or the most senior accountable person in the company;


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